Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I found this recipe in a book called Mitten Strings for God, by Katrina Kenison. I love these pretzels because they take about an hour from start to finish, they are a perfect activity for the children, and they taste really, really good!

In a large bowl, dissolve 2-3 T yeast in 1 1/2 C warm water.
Add: 1 T honey
1 T salt
4 1/2 C flour
Give a wooden spoon to the kiddos and let them have a go until they are pooped. Then take over and mix until you can gather the dough to kneed a bit. Then cut up into however many pieces you want. Give the dough balls to the kids to roll into pretzel shapes, letter shapes, hearts, etc. Place on baking sheet.
For salty pretzels: Brush tops with egg and sprinkle with sea salt, or kosher salt
For sweet pretzels: Brush tops with melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar or sugar in the raw.
Bake for 10 minutes in a 425 degree oven.

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