Friday, January 30, 2009

Creamy Goodness Oatmeal

Posted by: Meg Cooper
Oatmeal?- Yuck! I used to gag down oatmeal because it was a cheap hot breakfast. And then I started soaking to oats over night, and my opinion of oats changed...over night! Here's how you can make oats edible:

The night before:
Place 1/2C uncooked old fashion oats, per person in pot. (Note: to ensure this is gluten free, use certified gluten free oats.)
Add a little less than 1C water per 1/2C oats. 
Squeeze (or pour from store bought jar) a little (like 1/2tsp) lemon juice. 
Give it a little stir. Put the lid on the pot. 

In the morning: 
Turn the burner on. 
Cook, stirring frequently until cooked to your liking. 
Then put the lid back on while you get out the bowls and toppings.
Topping ideas: brown sugar, honey, peanut butter, cinnamon, any dried fruit-crasins, raisens, apricot, or any fresh fruit, chopped nuts, ground flax seed, and a smidge of milk. Creamy, goodness.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Here's to meals shared

Welcome to our cyber church cookbook. This site is dedicated to sharing recipes from the humblest of meals to the grandest of feasts. Our goal is to help one another enjoy the blessing of food, the family table, and the Christian table. Here, let us feast.